Some of you might be aware, and others not so; but we are now partners with the Anti-Virus company Comodo.
We have had a lot of people ask us what is going on, whats happened to F-Secure?
Before you start worrying take a moment to read this information as we have had all these questions before, and hopefully the FAQs below will answer these for you.
Q: Why are you now offering a different anti-virus solution?
A: We have found that F-Secure is not the right fit for all businesses, so to make sure we have a solution for your business we have made a new partnership with Comodo.
Q: Whats happened between Strobe Technologies and F-Secure?
A: We have been an F-Secure partner since the start of Strobe IT in 2008; and our director had been working with them for 4 years before that as well. Our status with F-Secure is not going to change and we shall still offer F-Secure products, but we have found that it is not right for everyone.
Q: Who are Comodo?
A: Comodo are traditionally a SSL Security Certificate company that have been in the anti-virus business since 2008.
Q: Our business still uses F-Secure, will Strobe IT still help us?
A: Yes, we still use, sell and support F-Secure.
Q: Should we change to Comodo when our renewal is up?
A: This is something we cannot answer here. When your renewal is up a support ticket will be created with the information about your subscription; at this point we will discuss your options with you. Once you are happy this will be passed to our quotes team to prepare a online quote for you to view and accept.
Q: Whats the difference between F-Secure and Comodo?
A: Good question, and unless you are extremely technically minded a proper answer to this would drive people away.
For this Q&A, see the simple list below: –
- Company names and logos
- F-Secure allows us to provide you with your own management console, Comodo currently do not.
- F-Secure does limited website category blocking. Comodo do this, but in a dedicated product separate to the anti-virus.
- F-Secure PSB & Business Suite Advanced have Software Updater which keeps all Microsoft and third party applications up-to-date. Comodo’s anti-virus does not include this; but if your a maintenance customer we have an additional Comodo module we use to do this.
- Different pricing / licensing models.