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September 2019 – Simplified Billing

The Problem

As we are growing and the number of services we offer grow, our billing has become messy with customers getting lots of invoices a month.

This has led to confusion for customers as well as additional inputting requirements.

What We Are Doing

To fight this every growing issue we have re-structured our invoices and system to provide a hopeful max of 3 invoices a month from us.

A few months ago we launched a new telecom billing system which covers all our communication products. Mobile, landline, VoIP and internet is all under one roof. This has proved very effective and reduced the amount of invoices already!

Starting on the 1st October 2019 customers will now get up to 3 different invoices throughout the month. These invoices are: –

  • Monthly Services – Contracted support, web hosting and static SaaS license
  • Microsoft Cloud – Office 365, Azure and other SaaS items
  • Telecom – Mobile, VoIP, Internet and landlines

We are doing this is to reduce errors while providing more accurate information. Now import the information from suppliers like Microsoft; so automatic invoices and credits are generated for products.

If you have any questions or worries over your new invoices please let us know by raising a support ticket.

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