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Website Security

Why do websites need security?

Website security is a big headache for everyone, this means you as the company owner, the website developer and the company providing the hosting platform.

Unfortunately as technologies like WordPress and Drupal have made CMS style websites easy and quick to manage, they have also made it easier for hackers to try and attach your site to either use it for sending spam or capturing your customers personal information while they interact or purchase goods from you.


What can you do about it?

Unfortunately, the answer to this is not easy as it depends on so many different factors from the style of site you have to wear it is located.

A quick list of things and how they help are: –

  • SSL Certificate – Creates a secure connection from customer to your site & helps in Google rankings
  • CMS Security Plugin – Plugins like this can monitoring interactions with your site and protect it, an example is iThemes Security for WordPress
  • Hosting Provider – Lots of hosting providers just offer space with no backups or protection, speak to our team and see which of our protected platforms meets your needs
  • Virus & Malware Scanning – Regular scanning and cleaning up of sites is just as required as on your computer, so why not trust us with SiteLock to do that for you


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