Courtney Road

Tiverton, Devon, EX16 6EE

+44 1884 664 004

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00

Online portal and guides 24/7

New Computer Service Status

Information and Status Improvements

As our amount of services that we offer increases to aid our clients in these strange times; we need a way of letting people know more about the status or issues of these services.

We see this is an important part of our service, as being able to self service and check what is going on with your business an important function.

As part of recent improvements to our service we believe we are another step closer to providing this. Below are details to how we are achieving this.

Alerting and Information

Website Banner

On our website we now have a permanent banner which is colour coded showing if there is known issues or not. The below images show examples of what the banner will look like.

Known Issues Banner Green
Known Issues Banner Red

Unfortunately the banner colour change is not an automated function when things are not working; so we will be updating this on major issues and known problems.

In the banner text is a link to which opens the information platform described below.

Information on major issues, known bugs etc can be found on this service.

Status Platform

We have invested in a new status platform to aid us in the battle of alerting us to issues as well as providing visibility of issues to our valued customers.

The image shows the overview screen from this platform which can be viewed using any web browser.

Underneath our logo is an announcements area where we can place updates, statuses and known issue information. When we are adding information to this section the banner on our website will be red.

By default this announcements area is collapsed to save space, but a quick click on the down arrow at the end of the grey banner will expand it to show the requested information.

Below that is the monitors section of our platform, this section is live and automated!

We have configured many different monitors here for services we offer, and if there is an issue with any of these services this system will automatically detect this; alert us and update this site to show when the problem was found. Once the problem is resolved the monitor will return to normal.

Something else that is nice on this setup, is that it allows us to show you the % of the uptime for the service as well as allowing you to click on the service for past information too.

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