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Tiverton, Devon, EX16 6EE

+44 1884 664 004

Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00

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We specialize in spam filtering, anti-virus and backup. Security within a business is paramount and not always implemented correctly, so why not take the headache of this out of the equation and let us manage your Virus and Patch Management with F-Secure or backup with our Online / Cloud Solution. Take a look at some of our services or get in touch to discuss how we can help you. Be it fighting spam, providing backup email systems or protection from viruses we can provide the right service you can trust.

Within Strobe IT we have a wide range of services and products that can either be purchased in the form of a license / device or as a service which includes support.



At Strobe Security we are partnered with the award winning Finnish anti-virus and security company F-Secure to be able to provide desktop & mobile anti-virus, firewall and software patch management.

To learn more about F-Secure and what products and services we can offer please check out our Micro site for F-Secure.


Spam Email Filtering

Unfortunately as technologies evolve so does the way in which people try and send you spam and what they get from it, back in the good old days people would just send you junk through the letter box; these could include adverts to scams trying to get you to buy something or provide your details to them.
As more and more people and businesses move to email the same threats you had in the post have also followed us to email along with some new computer related problems like viruses etc..

Find out more about our SpamSnake system


Online / Cloud Backup

Keeping your data safe and storage devices secure is an administrative nightmare as well as a technical headache as drives need cleaning and tapes / cartridges require rotation.

By opting to use an online backup solution you take away most of the technical problems as all you need is our maintained backup software and an internet connection allowing us to do all the hardware of work of backup rotation and retention.

Look at the File and Folder backup section of our dedicated Disaster and Recovery page


Disaster Recovery

Backups are a great way of keeping your business data safe, but what if your business is hit by a disaster?

Most backup products are exactly that, they backup your data safely and give you the ability to restore it back to its original place; be that a single file or a complete server. But what if your server has failed? Or even worse, your office has a fire?
A disaster recovery solution fills this gap as it provides the ability to take your snapshot (usually taken every hour) and launch it in a virtual environment allowing your business to continue while your hardware is fixed / replaced.
Depending on your business requirements this can be linked to cloud storage providing additional protection and ways of keeping your business running.

For a more in-depth details on this look at our dedicated Disaster and Recovery page


Data Recovery

If you cannot get your data back via backs or other means we have the abilities to help you recover it direct from your original media. Through our partnership with Kroll OnTrack who are the world leaders in data recovery we are able to offer a wide range of services and products to retrieve your data.

For more information and a Self Assessment Tool check out our dedicated Data Recovery page